Case Study

Elevating Soundfire Studio's
Online Presence with
Orange Alchemy Content Labs

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Business the
Online Presence
it Deserves.

Elevating CleanCo's Online Presence with Orange Alchemy Content Labs.


Orange Alchemy Content Labs empowers small businesses with impactful brand and digital marketing solutions to increase revenue through improved communication, high-quality brand visuals, and streamlined systems. Our data-driven strategic approach combines in-depth industry analysis with modern marketing practices to deliver unique, on-brand solutions for each of our clients. As a small business, we understand the importance of achieving genuine impact through our work, especially in maintaining a professional online presence, which is essential in 2024.

In this case study, we explore our collaboration with Soundfire Studio, a premier audio production studio based in Spain. Through strategic rebranding and website optimization, we aimed to enhance Soundfire Studio's online presence and ensure that the quality of their service was clearly communicated in their online materials.

Client Background.

Soundfire Studio is a leading audio production studio offering a wide range of services including music recording, mixing, mastering, and sound design for various media. With a focus on quality and innovation, Soundfire Studio serves artists, filmmakers, and commercial clients across Spain and beyond.

The Brief.

David Doubtfire, the owner of Soundfire Studio approached us to create new visual branding, a logo, and a website for his audio production company. Having relied entirely on reputation and referrals in the past, we would need to build the brand from scratch. As the majority of visitors to the site would be from referrals and recommendations, our focus was on communicating the professionalism, experience, and quality of Soundfire’s work and delivering a stellar first impression.

David highlighted the importance of creating a brand that would be fitting of the audio production industry, and one of the challenges would be to balance familiarity with Soundfire’s unique character.

After our review, we advised that we start with the following steps:

1. Brand Development (Brand Design Guidelines & Logo)

2. New Website (Built in Webflow):

3. Domain Registration & Company Email

4. Services Marketing Assets

5. Website Copy

6. Interactive Rive Animation (to showcase ‘cutting-edge’ tools)

7. Client Testimonials

Task 1: Brand Design Guidelines.

Creating the brand design guidelines was essential for achieving design cohesion needed to build trust with new customers. Soundfire Studio needed something simple and clear to quickly communicate their work in audio, and with a clean design relevant and recognisable to the audio industry.

As many of our visuals would incorporate photography (film sets, mixing desks, recording booths etc.), we had to factor this into the design plan to fit alongside the colour palette, typography, and iconography of Soundfire’s new brand. David explained to us that (much like our industry) it was vital for audio producers to keep updated with the latest software and practices, and that it would be important to communicate this in the brand visuals.

A section of Soundfire Studio's new brand design guidelienes.

Task 2: Services Marketing Assets.

Using the new brand design guidelines, we focused on creating marketing materials that clearly communicated Soundfire Studio's services, and showcased their portfolio in a style that would be a good match the high standard of the featured projects. We conducted a review of their services and collaborated with the team to make decisions on how we could best present these portfolio pieces that would be quick and easy to access, but also visually engaging as visitors landed on the page.

For the services we developed an interactive machine using Adobe Illustrator and Rive. We wanted to showcase ‘cutting-edge’ and knew that most visitors would already be clear on the services they needed. So we used that as an opportunity to show that Soundfire Studio greatly values attention to detail, which is an integral part of audio production work, and something David is known for. It’s also an interactive element that’s entirely unique to David’s site, and marks Soundfire Studio out as a modern audio production studio that takes pride in their work, and understands the value of the finishing touch.

And we also used interactivity to present the portfolio, but this time using Webflow’s built in interactive elements, which we tweaked to fit the exact needs of the Soundfire portfolio. There is constant movement throughout the site to ensure interest, engagement, and to present a memorable experience, which will ultimately lead to more conversations and more conversions from the site.



Task 3: Creating the New Website.

With several foundational pieces in place, we moved on to building the new website, focusing on lightning-fast loading speeds, a great user experience, and a structure that would maximize the chances of visitors contacting Soundfire Studio. We organized a photoshoot to capture the studio and team in action, emphasizing their experience and professionalism.

The rest of the website was designed to ensure visitors could quickly find their way to the portfolio section, get the information they needed and get in touch, and cover any objections they may have going into the site with a helpful FAQ.

Task 4: Website Copy & Client Testimonials.

We worked closely with Soundfire Studio's team to gather client testimonials and rewrite the website copy for clarity and engagement. We created a comprehensive FAQ for each service area to address common questions and concerns, ensuring potential clients had all the information they needed without being overwhelmed.


Soundfire Studios

"The team at Orange Alchemy Content Labs took my online set up to the next level, making it incredibly easy for our clients to connect with and understand our services, and creating a great first impression.

Their strategic vision and creative ideas injected new life into our marketing efforts, and the experience working with OA was insightful and a lot of fun; highly recommend!"

Trusted by...

ASDA logoDanone Logo
Treblle logoNHS logo
Toggl logoOmnisearch logo
GBG logoWhittam Cox logo

And here's some data from our research...

Impact of Website Design on User Perception

Studies show that 75% of consumers judge a company's credibility based on the design of its website. A modern and professional website design significantly enhances credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

Source: Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab - "Web Credibility Research: An Interdisciplinary Review"

User Experience and Conversion Rates

Research indicates that websites with poor navigation and design can experience a significant drop in conversion rates. By optimizing Soundfire Studio's website layout for easy navigation and access to information, we can help improve user experience and increase conversion rates over time.

Source: Adobe - "The State of Content: Rules of Engagement for 2021 and Beyond"

Mobile Responsiveness

With mobile internet usage surpassing desktop usage, it's crucial for websites to be mobile-responsive. Studies show that 57% of users won't recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site, and 50% of users are less likely to engage with a company if the website isn't mobile-friendly. By ensuring Soundfire Studio's website is mobile-responsive, we can capture and retain a larger audience.

Source: Google - "Think with Google: Mobile Page Speed Benchmarks"

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Impact

A modern website design, coupled with SEO best practices,  significantly improves visibility in search engine results. Research indicates that websites ranking on the first page of Google receive 91.5% of all organic traffic, highlighting the importance of SEO in driving website traffic and business growth.

Source: Chitika - "The Value of Google Result Positioning"

User Engagement and Interaction

Interactive website elements, such as clickable service cards, can enhance user engagement and interaction. Studies show that interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content, indicating the effectiveness of engaging design elements in driving user action.

Source: Demand Metric - "Interactive Content Benchmark Report"

Competitive Advantage

In today's competitive landscape, having a modern and optimized website gives a competitive edge. Research suggests that 48% of people cited a website's design as the number one factor in determining the credibility of a business, highlighting the importance of maintaining a professional online presence.

Source: Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab - "Web Credibility Research: An Interdisciplinary Review"

Educational Insights.

During the Soundfire Studio project, we got to see the value of customization on projects. It was clear after discussing the project with David and his team that his needs were different than most, in that the emphasis was on building trust through attention to detail and a high quality experience, rather than selling visitors on the value of their work. Soundfire’s target audience is already educated on the importance and value of the services, and the difference maker was always going to be visually impressive & engaging materials that shows how Soundfire Studio goes the extra mile.

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By blending modern design principles with the studio's established legacy, we created a cohesive and engaging digital experience that highlights Soundfire's professionalism, expertise, and dedication to quality.

Our collaborative approach ensured that the new visual branding, interactive elements, and streamlined user experience effectively communicated the high standards and unique character of Soundfire Studio. This case study demonstrates the significant impact that a tailored, professional online presence can have on a business, enhancing its credibility, attracting new clients, and ultimately driving business growth.